Did You Know...?

  • 48% of hard disks and solid-state drives found in used computers sold online contain private residual data. 35% of mobile devices contain thousands of retrievable personal information including leftover emails, call logs, texts/SMS/IMs, photos and videos.[i]
  • 40% of GPS tracked electronic waste equipment delivered to US electronics recyclers is exported, mostly to substandard breakdown operations in Asia.[ii]
  • The average consolidated total cost of a data breach is $7.3 million dollars.[iii]
  • In 2015, it was estimated that the average firm of 1000+ employees spends $15 million a year battling cybercrime.[iv]
  • All exports of US electronic waste exported to developing countries is considered criminal traffic by law and by Interpol's Environmental Crimes unit.[v]
  • In 2017, Gartner estimated spending on information security would reach $90 billion and top $113 billion by 2020.[vi]

[i] http://www.recyclingtoday.com/article/blancco-krollontrack-study-finds-data-on-resold-devices/

[ii] http://wiki.ban.org/images/1/12/ScamRecyclingReport-web.pdf

[iii] https://www.ibm.com/security/data-breach

[iv] www.observeit.com/ponemon-report-cost-of-insider-threats/

[v] Basel Convention, Articles 4, para. 5, Article 9, Article 11.  The US is a non-Party to the Basel Convention, and so unless an Article 11 agreement exists, such trade is illegal.  The US has no article 11 agreement with a developing country to receive US waste.

[vi] https://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/3638017