... Corporations and Governments
EarthEye™ is the product of ten years of development by Basel Action Network (BAN). BAN is a non-governmental organization with over 35 years of international experience, researching, investigating, and advocating for protecting human rights and the environment from the impacts of hazardous wastes. BAN has already conducted the world's largest e-waste tracking studies that have encompassed the continents of Europe, North America and, on behalf of the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Region. It is with this background that EarthEye has been created and designed as an integrated, user-friendly, system capable of reliably monitoring the international e-waste industry.
“BAN’s trackers have clearly had the effect of inspiring recyclers to do what they say they are going to do. For major corporations that rely on their due diligence, this is a very positive game changer for our industry.”
EarthEye is far more than a simple GPS tracker. It is a comprehensive logistics monitoring system, designed for use by major corporations, governments, and certified e-Stewards Recyclers, as part of their due diligence and legal compliance programs. It is already fully integrated into BAN’s e-Stewards Certification program, the recycler's gold standard for responsibly and ethically managing e-waste.
EarthEye will save your resources and your reputation.
The annual EarthEye subscription covers:
- equipment
- secure data storage
- reporting
- real-time private user interface
- legal interpretation
- chain-of-custody evidence controls
- regular system upgrades
... giving users peace of mind at a fraction of the cost of establishing an in-house monitoring structure.
→ If you are a professional electronics recycler:
We urge you to become a e-Stewards Certified Recycler, and start using EarthEye to protect your reputation and your clients’ business.
EarthEye for e-Stewards differentiates your company from your competition. With e-Stewards you can assure clients that the used IT assets passing through your company's hands, and the data it holds, is tracked to be sure it ends up in the right places -- safe, secure and legal. Click Here to arrange a consultation about becoming an e-Stewards Recycler.